The APA Style experts are currently collecting as many experiences as possible (including via Twitter) with the aim of formulating an official guideline.
For now, the advice is to refer the chatbot in the resources list as follows:
Indicate in the text which part has been generated by ChatGPT. This can be done with a quote or a paraphrase.
State which "prompt" (command) was given. An example:
ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2023) was used to formulate the problem statement with the prompt “…”.
The “…” section contains the text used for the chatbot.
When the text created by ChatGT is included as an attachment, the text only needs to refer to the attachment:
ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2023; see Appendix A) was used to formulate the problem statement.
It is advised to add the text generated by ChatGPT, for example as an attachment. This way, the reader or reviewer of your report can view your content themselves.