Borrowing materials from Xplora is free of charge if you are an Avans student or staff member.
Simply use your digital student card in the Avans One app. You can download the app for Android or for Apple iOS.
The existing plastic student or employee card still works as well.
The self-checkout machine allows you to borrow books and other materials yourself at any Xplora location:
- If the screen is not already set on English, you can use the flag icon in the bottom left corner to switch.
- Select "Borrow" on the screen
- Scan the barcode on your student card
- Scan the barcode on the front of the book
Magazines can be borrowed at the machine as well. First put the magazine in one of our magazine folders. On it you can find the barcode to scan.
Students can borrow a maximum of ten items at the same time. The limit for lecturers and staff members is twenty items.
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