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Answers to frequently asked questions can be found at BorrowSearch, and Citing sources on this site. 
Maybe the answer is already there for you.

Information support in Xplora

Our Xplora support team is happy to help you navigate through our wide range of books, magazines, e-books and databases.

We will answer your questions as quickly as possible on working days between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm.


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Xplora support

Opening hours

Databases, online magazines and e-books are available 24/7.

The physical collection can be accessed during the general opening hours of Avans.
For general information per building, click on the locations at the bottom of this page.

Please note: during holiday periods, public holidays and during calm periods of education, opening hours may be limited. Follow the current news on AvansOne or look at the  Avans annual schedule.