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Lean Library

Lean Library is a free add-on for your browser. After a one-time installation (two mouse clicks), your browser signals the content from Xplora databases. This takes you directly to full-text articles and publications.

The installation is personal and - due to access - linked to your Avans account.


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Libkey Nomad

Google Scholar

Xplora has made finding full text with Google Scholar easier. All you have to do is tell Google Scholar that you have access to the Avans University of Applied Sciences databases.

With each new search, it is shown which articles you can consult for free and in full text.

How do you set this up?

With the following five steps you let Scholar know which databases you have access to:

  • Step 1: Go to
  • Step 2: Go to the menu at the top left of the page to settings
  • Step 3: Choose  Library Links
  • Step 4: Type 'avans' in the search bar. Then the following screen will appear:
Avans verschijnt onder Bibliotheeklinks in Google Scholar
  • Step 5: Check "Avans Hogeschool" and click Save

Search Google Scholar full text

Now you can perform your search. If one of the results is available in full text in our databases, a message will appear to the right of the result: Full-Text @ Xplora

A click on the result or on Full-Text @ Xplora leads you directly to the correct database.