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Finding Information

This Research Guide (LibGuide) holds information about the search process and links to useful resources for Business students

Why refer to sources

Watch this short video to learn why it's important to refer to the sources you use. 

Refer to used sources

For every type of report it is essential that the author's statements can be verified by the reader. This means that you should always make appropriate reference to the sources you have used for your report.

At Avans the most used citation style is APA (American Psychological Association)

APA has different guidelines for every type of source. So it's very important that you know (before you start) what kind of source you are dealing with. For instance: a book, a website, an article, a report or an image.

How to cite in 3 steps:

1.     Define your source type

2.     Process your in-text reference (the Word text)

3.     Process your reference for the list of references (List of references: all the sources that you have used for your report/assignment.

There is a relation between the in-text reference and the list of references: they must start with the same author.

So the reader of your report can simply check the source. In the text: (Johnson, 2016), in the reference list: Johnson, J. (2016).

Important note:

When using the APA (in-text citations) mode in Office Word, we have found it doesn't always work correctly. So make sure you always double check! (or add it manually)

Reference list

The reference list shows all the titles that you have used in your paper/report for your research. Not everything will end up in your paper/report. Include only references to resources which a reader can consult. Interviews, e-mails, telephone calls, lectures are not mentioned in the reference list.


  • All titles that you used in your paper
  • At the end of your text
  • In alphabetical order of authors
  • Do not use -, · or ■
  • Second and following line indented

Information on How to Cite - APA7

Visit the LibGuide APA Guidelines to get all the information you need on how to cite using APA7.

Videos on How to cite using APA7

Tutorial - how to cite a book

Tutorial - How to cite a journal article

Tutorial - How to cite a webpage

Tutorial - how to cite personal communication

Tutorial - how to cite a chapter from a book

Tutorial - how to cite a thesis or dissertation

Tutorial - how to cite images, tables and figures

Tutorial - copyright, creative commons and in the public domain

Tutorial - reference managers

Useful Tips for the SWOT report (YR 1), other reports and thesis